Meet the 2024 Grand & Summit County 4-H & FFA Market Livestock Participants
This is your chance to support the local youth of Grand & Summit counties and purchase locally raised meat! The sale is the columniation of a lot of hard work over the last year and the celebration of the completion of the 108th Middle Park Fair & Rodeo. Come out and support 4-H and FFA members who have raised market beef, lamb, swine, goat, rabbits and poultry. Supporting the youth of our communities through the sale allows local kids to earn scholarship money, save for college or trade school, pursue other dreams, purchase animals for future projects and much, much more.
For a list of the 2024 4-H & FFA MPF&R and MPJLS members participating in a 4-H or FFA livestock market project scroll down on this page below.
To register as a 2024 MPJLS Buyer and/or to do an Add On click on the link below:
2024 Middle Park Junior Livestock Sale Buyer Registration & Add On Form
Grand & Summit County
4-H & FFA Members
3 R's 4-H Club

Hi! I am Scotty Cameron. This year I will be a senior at West Grand High School. This is my fifth year in rabbit 4-H.
My first rabbits were from the 4-H sale, and now I raise my own rabbits. I have breeding and market rabbits.
I have also taken dog 4-H.
I have always been part of the fair because my family took all sorts of animals in 4-H. I like being with everyone in 4-H.
This year I went to the District Retreat.
I like big trucks, dance parties, listening to music, swimming, and watching YouTube.
I like wrestling and the WWE. My favorite WWE wrestler is Brock Lesnar.
I joined high school wrestling this year and wrestled at state in a Unified Match.
My wrestling name is the Cowboy Beast, and people call me Mr. Beast.
I want to thank everyone who supports me in 4-H and makes fair happen. It is important to me, and I hope to see you all at fair!
Hello, my name is Tally Harthun. This is my 11th year being involved with 4-H. I am 15, and am going into tenth grade at West Grand High school. My projects this year are market beef, swine, and shooting sports. Outside of 4-H I love to hunt, fish, rodeo, play volleyball and basketball. I have been showing steers since I was eight years old and this is my fourth year showing pigs. My steers name this year is Ali and my pigs are named Cain and Able. This year my goals are to make my animals look their best, work on showmanship and show my animals to their full potential. The money I make will be used to buy my animals and their feed next year. The leftover money will be used to save for college. I would like to thank all of my buyers, the Sale committee, and my parents for making this possible.
hope to see you at the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo!
Hello, my name is Taylin Harthun. I am 17, and currently a junior at West Grand High School. This year, my projects consist of market beef and shooting sports.
I am also currently serving as the Vice President for West Grand FFA, the treasurer on NHS and the Vice President for 3Rs 4-H club.
Apart from 4-H, I also participate in basketball, volleyball, and student council. In my spare time, I like to rodeo, hunt, and fish.
This year, I plan on saving the money I make to save for college.
I hope I see you at the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo!
Hello my name is Tilden Harthun. I am 8 years old and in second grade at West Grand Elementary. This is my first year in 4-H. I am in shooting sports and I have a catch a calf donated by Farrell Livestock. My steers name is JB Mauney. I also wrestle, play football, rodeo, fish and hunt.
My goal is to win showmanship. I want to thank my parents, all the sponsors and volunteers that make the fair and sale happen!
Also a big thank you to Farrell Livestock for donating to the catch a calf program!!!!
I hope to see you at the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo and The Junior Livestock Sale!!!!!
4-H Projects: Cake Decorating, Dog, Horse, Breeding Rabbit, Market Rabbit, Scapbooking
Hi, my name is Markey. I show horses and goats. I got a new horse. His name is Mouse. I love him very much. I will be showing him at the fair this year. Some of my hobbies outside of school are crafting, horse riding, and bone collecting. I like to spend time with my goats and horses. They are some of my favorite things. I will also be trying to show two goats this year, one named Ozzy and another named Rip.
I am hoping to win with both my horse and goats this year. I have learned a lot from 4H. I have learned how to take better care of my animals and I have learned that there are consequences for my actions if I haven't done something that needs to be done.
Hi my name is Penny Myer. I am a member of the 3Rs 4-H club. I am enrolled in numerous market projects as well as horse, cake decorating, scrapbooking, and 2 shooting disciplines. I would like to invite you to the Jr livestock Sale August 10, 2024 at 5pm.
If you have any questions about the fair I can be found in one of the livestock barns throughout the week. Hope to see you there!
My name is Cora Osborne and I am an intermediate member of the 3Rs 4-H club. This year my 4H project is Market Lambs. This is my first year doing lambs and I am excited to learn about the responsibilities and skills I will need to use to take care of my animals.
I will use the money I earn from the sale for college and next year’s 4H projects.
Thank you for supporting this year’s Middle Park Fair and Rodeo and Junior Livestock Sale!
I hope to see you there!
Hi! My name is Rayne Pryor. I am 11 years old and going into the 6th grade at West Grand. This is my 3rd year in 4-H. This year my projects are Beef, Swine,Lambs and Goats. Outside of 4H I enjoy dancing and playing sports. I hope to see everyone at the shows and sale.
Hello, My name is Ryder Pryor. I am from Kremmling and I am going into the 7th grade. I enjoy lots of activities along with 4H such as playing sports and dancing. I have been in 4H since I was 5. My projects this year are Beef, Lambs and Pigs. I'm looking forward to seeing you at Fair!
My name is Kassidy Trujillo. I will be in 6th grade at West Grand Middle School this fall. I am passionate about basketball and my goal is to play in the WNBA. At home you can find me shooting hoops or cruising with my dog on the golf cart. This is my second year in 4-H and my second year choosing Market Lamb as my project. Last year my sheep, Steph Curly, made the sale and I hope to again this year. I also hope to improve my showmanship. Thank you for supporting 4-H and helping us chase our dreams!
My name is Kieryn Trujillo. I will be a freshman at West Grand High School this fall. At school, I love participating in theater. This is my second year in 4-H. When not busy with school and 4H, I enjoy curling up with my cat and a good book. This year I am doing a new project which is Market Poultry. I am looking forward to working with my chickens, learning a lot, and hopefully making the sale! Thank you so much to everyone who supports our fair and Junior Livestock Sale, it wouldn’t be possible without you!
Hi! I'm Ryan Van Oosten and I'm 17 years old and will be a Senior at West Grand High School this year. My projects this year are horse, pigs and archery. I am a Senior member of the 3R's 4-H Club.
In my free time I like to fish, ride my dirt bike, rodeo and hang out with my family. I also play football in the fall and I wrestle in the winter.
I plan to save the money I make from the sale for college.
I hope to see you at the Middle Park Fair & Rodeo and at the Junior Livestock Sale. ​​​​

4-H Projects: Market Goat, Market Poultry/Fowl (Ducks & Geese), Market Sheep
Hello! My name is Chris Mullinex and I will be a Junior at Middle Park High School in Granby. I am a Senior member of A Notch Above 4-H Club and I have been a 4-H member for 8 years. My project this year is Market Beef. My favorite things about 4-H are meeting new people and spending time with my animals. I also enjoy snowmobiling, camping, fishing, boating, and dirt biking. With the money I hope to make from the sale, I will purchase next year steers and continue to save for my education at diesel mechanic school. Thank you all for supporting the 4-H program and the Middle Park Fair Junior Livestock Sale.

My name is Gus Hester. I am 11 years old. I am in 5th grade at West Grand. My livestock projects are Market Steer and Market Turkey.
What I like most about 4H this year is spending more time with my producer and Fair Week - I can't wait for the Block Party at Fair!
The bouncy houses are the best!
My name is Lucy Hester. I am 9 years old. I am in 3rd grade at West Grand. My livestock projects are Market Steer and Market Turkey.
What I like most about 4H are how cute the animals are when they are babies and the Junior Livestock Sale.
I love all the different projects in 4H and all my friends!
Hello, my name is Hadley Thomson. I am nine years old. This is my first year in 4-H! I am showing market lambs.
My lambs are named after characters in the movie Top Gun. In my free time I enjoy being with my family, hiking, and camping.
In school my favorite things to do are see my friends, math, and reading.
I hope to see you at the fair!
Hello, my name is Lyndee Thomson. I will be a seventh grader at West Grand. This is my 5th year showing market lambs.
I love showing lambs because it has shown me that when you work hard, you can accomplish great things.
In my free time I enjoy being outside, hanging out with my animals, and playing sports.
Thank you to all of the people who have supported me throughout my years in 4H, I couldn't do it without you.
See you at the fair!​
Hi, my name is Paizlee VanderLinden. I'm 10 years old and about to start 5th grade at West Grand K8. This is my first year participating in Market Swine. This year has been very challenging but I have learned a lot. My pig's name is Ivy and she has made this year interesting. She can be very stubborn but she has also taught me a lot. I loved helping my brother last year with his 2 pigs so I decided to give it a try. In my free time, I love to babysit, sing, dance, draw and write and of course, play with friends.
​​​PAKE VANDERLINDEN​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​
Hi, my name is Pake VanderLinden. I'm 12 years old and about to start 7th grade at West Grand Middle School. This is my second year participating in Market Swine. My pig's name is Borris and he has been a great pig. I've learned a lot about raising pigs during this time. It’s hard work that requires both time and patience, but it's been a rewarding experience. I’m very grateful to my parents for their love, support, and financial help as I continue to learn and grow in this project. When I'm not busy with my pigs, I love to shoot archery, hunt, play football, hang out with my friends, and spend time with my family.

4-H Projects: Market Swine
Hi, my name is Blaire Hester. I am 17 years old and finishing up my Junior year at Middle Park High School. My 4-H projects include pigs, sheep, steers, and horses and I am so excited to represent the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo this year as the 2024 MPHS Queen! As President of Grand Animals 4-H club and Vice President of the Middle Park 4-H Council I stay pretty busy! In my free time I love playing softball, basketball, and soccer and in the summer I work with my family on our ranch and compete in the local rodeos . All of the money from my 4-H projects is saved for after high school. I am planning on going to college for nursing along with getting my cosmetology license. Thank you for supporting this great program and I hope to see you at the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo in August!
4-H Projects: Electricity, Fowl/Poultry (Market Chicken & Market Turkey), Global Citizenship, Leadership, Breeding Swine, Market Swine
4-H Projects: Clothing Construction, Dog, Fowl/Poultry (Market Chicken & Market Turkey), Metalworking, Market Swine
4-H Projects: Fowl/Poultry (Market Chicken & Market Turkey), Metalworking, Breeding Swine, Market Swine
4-H Projects: Market Beef, Market Rabbit, Shooting Sports (Shotgun)​
4-H Projects: Market Goat, Market Sheep, Market Swine, Shooting Sports (Shotgun)
Hello, my name is Mackenzie Moyer! I am 18 years old and will be graduating from Middle Park High School this spring.
This is my 13th and final year in 4-H where I show market swine, market sheep and horse. I am an active member within Grand Animals 4-H Club, I am currently serving as the Middle Park 4-H Council President and was the 2023/ 2024 Colorado District 9 4-H Secretary.
Following the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo I will be moving to Sterling, Colorado to continue my education at Northeastern Junior College to study Agriculture Business and Animal Science. I would like to thank the Fairboard, Extension Staff, and anyone who volunteers their time to put on the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo and Junior Livestock Sale!
The Junior Livestock sale is Saturday August 10th at 5pm.
I hope to see you there!
4-H Projects: Market Beef, Show Chickens, Market Turkey, Shooting Sports (Shotgun)​
4-H Projects: Market Beef, Market Swine, Market Turkey​
4-H Projects: Market Swine​​​
Hi, my name is Ellie Thurston and this is my 3rd year in 4-H. I am 10 years old and in 5th grade. I am a junior member of the Grand Animals 4-H Club. This will be my last year as a junior. I successfully completed my first two years with showing my horse Rue, raising and selling steers, and market pigs. This year I will be raising two market steers, Chip and Dale, two market pigs, Minnie and Mickey, and showing my favorite horse Rue. All my animals are my favorite this year. I have been working hard on feeding all my animals twice a day, bathing/brushing them, and exercising my animals and now that it is warmer, I can start riding my horse. My goal this year is to try to get Reserve Champion market steer. I also want to learn to lope in the correct leads. My favorite part of 4-H is to show my animals at fair. When I grow up I want to be a paleontologist or a wildlife officer. I love to learn as much as I can about animals and 4-H is a great starting place. I plan on using my proceeds from the sale to purchase more animals next year and to help pay for all their food. I hope to see you at the Middle Park Fair Junior Livestock Sale and would like to thank you for your support in the 4-H program.
Hi! My name is Trinleigh Vague, this is my 4th year in 4-H. I am 11 years old and a 5th grader at Granby Elementary School. I have served as Treasurer for my local Grand Animals 4-H Club and the Reporter with 4-H Council. This year I am taking Archery, Cake Decorating Unit 4, Market Steers, and Market Pigs. I have been so privileged to be in 4-H again with great friends and mentors I have met along the way. Outside of 4-H I love camping, boating, kayaking, shooting my bow, playing with friends, spending time with my family, participating in NASP program through our PE program in school. This year I qualified to attend Nationals in Utah in April 2024 and placed 145 out of 291. The money I earn this year will go to my archery program, steers and pigs for next year. I am looking forward to Fair this year and sale. Thank you to all the buyers and their support. Especially my breeders and my family for all their help this year. Hope to see you at the 2024 MP Fair shows and sale.​​​

4-H Projects: Cake Decorating, Fowl/Poultry (Market Chicken & Market Turkey), Leathercraft, Market Rabbit, Shooting Sports (Archery)​
4-H Projects: Cake Decorating, Market Rabbit, Shooting Sports (Archery)
4-H Projects: Horse, Market Sheep, Market Swine
4-H Projects: Horse, Metalworking, Self Determined, Market Sheep, Market Swine, Woodworking
4-H Projects: Cake Decorating, Market Goat, Heritage Arts, Horse, Market Sheep, Market Swine
Hello! My name is Kenna Wall and I would like to invite you to the 2024 MPFR Jr Livestock Sale! I’m a senior member of the Homesteaders 4-H club and currently serve as their treasurer. This is my 11th year in 4-H and my projects are market steer, swine, goat and lamb. As you can imagine these projects keep me very busy. When I am not in the barn feeding, exercising, fitting, or caring for my animals, I enjoy riding my horses, playing basketball, running track, hanging out with family and friends, hunting, hiking, paddle boarding or really anything outdoors.
My goal this year for all my market projects is to have them be high graded, quality market animals.
I have learned the best ways to achieve that goal and applied them to my current projects.
My steers; BAS and John were born in North and Middle Park, so they are naturally adapted to the climate and high elevation.
My piggies are named Minnie Winnie and Mickey Ricky. Their feeding program is probably the hardest to maintain, just because they are very different type hogs and must be fed accordingly. Pete and Bean, my goats are both good market projects and have a balanced diet and exercise program.
Last but not least, is my lamb Beefcake. We feed him a lot like the goats and he does great.
I work hard so anyone who buys my animals to feed their families with will be getting a prime market animal.
I strive to make sure I’m doing my part in keeping the world fed, and fed right.
My future plans are to attend NJC or CMU and get my nursing degree. I know no matter where I end up in life, the lessons learned and memories made in the barn and throughout this great program I will carry with me forever!
Thank you and I hope to see you all at the fair in August!
4-H Projects: Market Beef, Fowl/Poultry Egg Production, Market Goat, Breeding Rabbits, Market Rabbits, Breeding Sheep, Market Sheep
4-H Projects: Market Beef, Market Goat, Market Rabbits, Market Sheep

Hello, my name is Josh Artherholt. I am 9 years old and this is my first year doing 4-H.
I am learning about rabbits, chickens and cats this year. Thanks for supporting 4-H!
Hi! I'm Isaac and I'm 13years old. My project is Doe Meat Rabbit project.
I’m excited to work on having a meat pen to show at fair this August.
My brother’s project is the Buck rabbit.
Hello! My name is Kenan Barrientez, people call me KJ. I’m 10 years old.
My project is a Buck rabbit, and I hope to have a meat pen to show at fair this year in August.

Hi! My name is Luci Bruchez and I am a junior at West Grand High School. I rodeo and play volleyball and basketball.
Besides 4H, I am involved in FFA and National Honors Society. This is my 8th year in 4H and I am taking market swine and market steer.
After high school, I plan to further my education in agriculture and college rodeo. I have learned countless lessons in my time as a 4H member, which I use everyday and will be vital in the next steps of my life. I want to thank my family and friends for their continuous support in my 4H projects and other endeavors. I would also like to thank everyone who makes the MPFR possible.
See ya at fair!
​I am Livi and belong to The Winner’s Cirlcle 4-H club.
I am a second grader at West Grand and my favorite subject is writing. I live with my sisters and parents on our family’s ranch.
This year is my first year in 4-H and I am raising a market steer and market swine.
I love attending 4-H meetings and I am my club pledge leader because I love America.
I have learned a lot this year and can’t wait to show my animals at our fair.
I want to thank everyone who makes 4-H and the Middle Park Fair and Rodeo possible.
Hi, my name is Teagan Bruchez. I am a freshman at west Grand High School. This is my 8th year in 4-H. I am part of the Winners Circle 4-H club and I am the secretary. Besides 4-H I play volleyball, basketball, and in FFA. My projects this year are market swine and market beef. I enjoy working with my animals and helping out on our family ranch. I have a strong passion for agriculture and hope to pursue it in my future. I would like to thank all those who make the Middle Park 4-H program possible.
Hello, my name is Elisabeth Corcoran. I am 18 years old and this is my 13th year in 4-H. My projects this year are shot gun, dog, and I am showing my ducks through FFA. I have shown dogs for 11 years and this is my first year doing shot gun and showing market ducks.
I have five Pekin ducks that I plan on selling this year! Learning to raise and care for my market ducks has been very rewarding and challenging. Working through challenges and finding solutions is a fulfilling reminder of how these animals are raised.
I am extremely excited to show my ducks. I hope to so you there!